Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

To ring in the new year instead of resolutions that I never keep I'm setting goals!

  1. To focus on my etsy business
  2. To make better home cooked meals!
  3. To be more patient with my kiddo's :)
  4. To lose those last 10 pregnancy pounds
  5. To run a 10K this spring (the most I've ever run before is a 5K, and that was over 5 years ago!)
  6. To watch our unnecessary spending
To start this all off, my house is focusing on January to see if we can avoid spending any unnecessary money!

To assist in the menu planning, I'm going to try to put myself out there, and post our menus each week! Please note, we are a picky eating family, so meals get pretty boring! HA!

Monday: Meal Plan Monday
Wednesday: Wordless Wednesday (a favorite picture from the week)
Thursday: Future Project to do list
Friday: Feature Friday (a post about what I made this week!)

Happy New Year!

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