Monday, March 25, 2013

B's Quilt

I finished my latest quilt.  I LOVE sewing quilts...but they take so much time, and cost so much money. I could have bought a Pottery Barn quilt cheaper than this sucker...but I LOVE how it turned out, so I won't dwell on that little fact, or tell the hubby ;)

I'm in love with the colors, and just want to cuddle up with this quilt...oh wait, I did for a few days before transferring it to it's rightful home!

the whole quilt. I went for random spacing of blocks...which in the end made it a little heavy on colors from spot to spot, but I love how random it is.

the back! I have usually gone for one consistent fabric on the back, but I love when the back has a little fun to it too! I used flannel so it's soft and cuddly.

stitch in the ditch...the only quilting method I know. Ignore that some lines are crooked...

B loves her new quilt as much as I do!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


my dear husband and I are not very consistent about getting gifts, we skip a few (birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Valentines, etc), then give a bigger gift, then skip a few, you get the picture! So this year, after begging for several years, I received:

Now to learn how to use it...